Duke 153981 MODULE,PILOT SPARK (200/BOX)
Duke 153981 MODULE,PILOT SPARK (200/BOX)
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Duke 153981 MODULE,PILOT SPARK (200/BOX)
Features spark ignition for pilot lights. Sold in boxes of 200 modules per box. Provides reliable sparking to ignite pilot flames.
- Part Number: 153981
- Quantity per Box: 200 modules
- Ignition Type: Spark, piezo electric
- Electrical Requirements: Self-powered from piezo mechanism, no external power required
- Operating Temperature Range: -20°F to 160°F
- Dimensions: 0.62 x 0.28 inches
- Material: Ceramic and stainless steel
Suitable for a variety of commercial kitchen appliances and equipment with pilot light ignition systems. Rugged construction stands up to repeated sparking. Provides long service life. Easy to install and replace.